Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 91 Days and 77512 Haiku later...

People laugh alot
reality is funny
I cannot get caught
Haiku # 184, March 11, 1997 1:06 pm ET
by Biz-r the artistic of Toronto, Canada
Doberman's teeth snap
biting butt cheeks' supple flesh
primal scream springs forth
Haiku # 183, March 10, 1997 1:33 pm ET
by Stanley Blacker of West Chester, USA
Hello from the West
I had fun visiting you
Hope to talk again
Haiku # 182, March 9, 1997 8:46 pm ET
by Alberta boy -
just for the fun o'
it. I'll remain in this place
or elsee I'm cabbage.
Haiku # 181, March 9, 1997 3:45 am ET
by John Clelland of Waterloo, Canada
A bad po em is
one thing. A bad Hai ku adds
up to sev en teen
Haiku # 180, March 7, 1997 1:58 pm ET
by Matt of Toronto the good, Canada
It's been awhile since
I submitted a Haiku.
So then here is two
Haiku # 179, March 7, 1997 1:54 pm ET
by Matt of The Megacity , Canada
man with a gun
shoot me in head
oh, the pain!!!
Haiku # 178, March 3, 1997 1:44 am ET
by Bernie of okc, usa
Lack of Breast
As the laser points and bullet enters your breast
your breast, you scream. Pieces of breast
fall in my mouth. Rather chewy.
Haiku # 177, March 1, 1997 4:57 pm ET
by Jeff Rasmussen of Elgin, USA
Haiku removed at author's request.
Haiku # 176, March 1, 1997 4:54 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet of Elgin, USA
She was small, white, round
Like that perfumed piece of soap
In the urinal
Haiku # 175, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by David Carter
Cigarette butt caught in
urinal's screen, still,
here I drain the lizard
Haiku # 174, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet of hurtsville, USA
i pity you fool
Haiku # 173, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by MR.T of hurtsville, USA
Our Sweet Lord who conquers all
He loves you too, babe.
Haiku # 172, January 31, 1997 11:55 pm ET
by Mr. Ed's Bad Pete Sampras Haiku Ltd. of Montréal,
Dried salt on my windshield
oriental brush strokes
made by heavy road equipment
Haiku # 171, January 31, 1997 3:06 pm ET
by Ray of Grand Ledge,
Hawks hover, soar, pose above
stark winter tree,
no liquor sales till noon, Sunday
Haiku # 170, January 31, 1997 3:01 pm ET
by Ray of Grand Ledge,
Old people drive so
slowly that I want to hit
them upside the head
Haiku # 169, January 30, 1997 6:47 pm ET
by Saurav Sarkar of Great Neck, USA
darkness surrounds me
again the dumpster my friend
stupid mafia
Haiku # 168, January 24, 1997 4:58 pm ET
by David Carter of Minneapolis, USA
I love the women
The women love me so much
I have gone crazy.
(Sean done knew that!!!!)
Haiku # 167, January 21, 1997 2:56 pm ET
by Hawkeye of Hickville, USA
I am thinking now
I can't think of a good word
to end this haiku.
Haiku # 166, January 21, 1997 2:55 pm ET
by Samuel Clemens of Booville, USA
In the dark of night
I heard a scream of terror
From the girl next door
Haiku # 165, January 21, 1997 11:55 am ET
by Plant the fern of Our town, USA
The cool blue bobcat
Running swiftly the forest
Looking for some food
Haiku # 164, January 21, 1997 11:35 am ET
by Skayla the Wonder Girl of Our town, USA
Donny was sleeping
In His bedroom late last night
Because He was tired
Haiku # 163, January 21, 1997 10:11 am ET
by Donny of Our town, USA
The car would not start
So I kicked the dumb thing twice
I hurt my big toe
Haiku # 162, January 21, 1997 9:40 am ET
by Amy I just got 30 pts W. of This Town, America
I shot three free-throws
I made only one of three
And I was very mad
Haiku # 161, January 21, 1997 9:38 am ET
by Stuart "DA BOMB" of Our Town, America
Troy likes partying all night
Drinking is not for me
So let me party
Haiku # 160, January 21, 1997 9:29 am ET
by Troy Boy of Our Town, America
Oh no! Only just
begun, and already I've
run out of syllab-
Haiku # 159, January 20, 1997 5:52 pm ET
by Elita of Pottstown, USA
think about nothing
as empty as a reflex
sit and watch tv
Haiku # 158, January 19, 1997 2:57 pm ET
by Robin Len of TOPIX, Toronto
I had a little debbie
It was in my pocket
and that is all.
Haiku # 157, January 17, 1997 8:35 pm ET
by Angie Mayeux of warrensburg , usa
The stars shining bright.
Up in the sky up so high.
I love to watch stars..
Haiku # 156, January 17, 1997 3:09 pm ET
by MR. ED of Our town,
I like football games
They are very exciting
I play it a lot.
Haiku # 155, January 17, 1997 3:08 pm ET
by Tango of Our town,
Are stubborn and stupid
They are lazy, always pains
They are also jerks.
Haiku # 154, January 17, 1997 3:00 pm ET
by Samy of OurTown, USA
I will always care
About you Benny Cooper
Because I love you.
Haiku # 153, January 17, 1997 2:58 pm ET
by Jamie C. of OurTown, USA
HEAT The light gleamed on my
Dark shirt as sweat poured down my
eyes, that burned my face.
Haiku # 152, January 17, 1997 2:56 pm ET
by Little Man of OurTown, USA
I like basketball
Because I play it okay
We win lots of games.
Haiku # 151, January 17, 1997 2:52 pm ET
by T-Boon of OurTown, USA
So awesome it is
Getting out of school for snow
But there is no more.
Haiku # 150, January 17, 1997 2:50 pm ET
by Barney Anne of OurTown, USA
When I was a lad
I was bad for my grandma
Can't handle me.
Haiku # 149, January 17, 1997 2:49 pm ET
by Baby Cedric of OurTown, USA
Although it's lonely
You don't have to worry much
Because you'll get out.
Haiku # 148, January 17, 1997 2:45 pm ET
by Bryan K of Our Town, USA
You have two dollars
Make my name in bubble form
Hey, do not get loud.
Haiku # 147, January 17, 1997 2:43 pm ET
by Little Mac of Our Town, USA
You can sit alone
Or you can sit together
And write a haiku
Haiku # 146, January 17, 1997 2:41 pm ET
by Hawkeye of Our Town, USA
The word I seek
is not for all to know, but
for my ears only.
Haiku # 145, January 17, 1997 12:54 pm ET
by Dr.Dave of Johnson City, USA
Mr. Lovell is very nice.
She does not give lots of homework
Thats why she is nice
Haiku # 144, January 17, 1997 12:35 pm ET
by Angie Smangie of Small Town USA, USA
I love rock music
I listen to it all the time
It is very cool.
Haiku # 143, January 17, 1997 12:31 pm ET
by Courtney M of Small Town, USA
The car is started
The car is going down the road
The car died on him
Haiku # 142, January 17, 1997 12:27 pm ET
by Amy and the car of Small Town America, USA
Brent brought ships to class
They are good to eat with pop
The brand is guys chips
Haiku # 141, January 17, 1997 12:25 pm ET
by Jeremy the brush of Small Town, USA
I sit in this class
Thinking of a cool Haiku
That makes sense to me
Haiku # 140, January 17, 1997 12:24 pm ET
by Ricky You're so Tricky of Small Town America, USOFA
A deer swiftly ran
As I was admirring its
Graceful figure
Haiku # 139, January 17, 1997 12:07 pm ET
by Jason (A man with a plan) of Small Town America, USA
Horses run with the wind
There manes blowing in the wind
So beautiful and long
Haiku # 138, January 17, 1997 12:05 pm ET
by Jessica Smessica of Small Town America, USA
I have fifteen cats
they are very sweet to me
They have their own names
Haiku # 137, January 17, 1997 12:03 pm ET
by Natasha has a dryer and a washa of small town usa, usa
The car hit me hard
Breaking both my legs and arms
The hurt me real bad
Haiku # 136, January 17, 1997 12:00 pm ET
by Ta-Wanda
Track is like fire
I run with the wind in track
Track American
Haiku # 135, January 17, 1997 11:57 am ET
by Joseph is your mom named Guinn of Small Town America, USA
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