Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 88 Days and 77509 Haiku later...

And here is the cat!
wearing dust and crappy rocks
he walks on my face.
Haiku # 197, March 26, 1997 2:54 am ET
by mel of Oakland, USA
Thank you o thank you
For your super haiku page
It brings me great joy
Haiku # 196, March 25, 1997 9:08 am ET
by chloeeeeeeee of Brighton, East Sussex, england
Tubby polar bears
do not drink Coca-Cola
but they will eat kids
Haiku # 195, March 24, 1997 2:43 pm ET
by David Carter of Minneapolis, USA
people who can't count
as high as five or seven
should not write haiku!
Haiku # 194, March 24, 1997 12:04 pm ET
by sarah felts of naples, italy
Brave Moonlight Sails thru Storm
clouds, but I was busy
watching David Letterman
Haiku # 193, March 22, 1997 8:38 am ET
by Ray of Grand Ledge,
The Rain Drips Slowly
A Sad Face At the Window
The Years are Hidden
Haiku # 192, March 21, 1997 7:53 pm ET
by Chloe of Brighton, England
The Rain Drips Slowly
A Sad Face At the Window
The Years are Hidden
Haiku # 191, March 21, 1997 7:52 pm ET
by Chloe of Brighton, England
Night before Christmas:
There's no stirring in the house;
Even the mice sleep.
Haiku # 190, March 18, 1997 10:45 am ET
by Eric Schulman of Charlottesville, USA
And what is realty?
It's the buying and selling
Of houses and land.
Haiku # 189, March 18, 1997 10:38 am ET
by Eric Schulman of Charlottesville, USA
Middle of winter
I think I am a snowflake
Or maybe I don't
Haiku # 188, March 16, 1997 9:39 pm ET
by Fearless of Seattle,
Hot, wet sultry night
odor of musk assail the nose
peed my pants again
Haiku # 187, March 14, 1997 3:01 pm ET
by K. Farrelly of Philadelphia, USA
Manly features caught,
jumping fences higher than high
primal scream springs forth
Haiku # 186, March 11, 1997 4:46 pm ET
by Clark Kent of Smallville, USA
People laugh alot
reality is funny
I cannot get caught
Haiku # 185, March 11, 1997 1:07 pm ET
by Biz-r the artistic of Toronto, Canada
People laugh alot
reality is funny
I cannot get caught
Haiku # 184, March 11, 1997 1:06 pm ET
by Biz-r the artistic of Toronto, Canada
Doberman's teeth snap
biting butt cheeks' supple flesh
primal scream springs forth
Haiku # 183, March 10, 1997 1:33 pm ET
by Stanley Blacker of West Chester, USA
Hello from the West
I had fun visiting you
Hope to talk again
Haiku # 182, March 9, 1997 8:46 pm ET
by Alberta boy -
just for the fun o'
it. I'll remain in this place
or elsee I'm cabbage.
Haiku # 181, March 9, 1997 3:45 am ET
by John Clelland of Waterloo, Canada
A bad po em is
one thing. A bad Hai ku adds
up to sev en teen
Haiku # 180, March 7, 1997 1:58 pm ET
by Matt of Toronto the good, Canada
It's been awhile since
I submitted a Haiku.
So then here is two
Haiku # 179, March 7, 1997 1:54 pm ET
by Matt of The Megacity , Canada
man with a gun
shoot me in head
oh, the pain!!!
Haiku # 178, March 3, 1997 1:44 am ET
by Bernie of okc, usa
Lack of Breast
As the laser points and bullet enters your breast
your breast, you scream. Pieces of breast
fall in my mouth. Rather chewy.
Haiku # 177, March 1, 1997 4:57 pm ET
by Jeff Rasmussen of Elgin, USA
Haiku removed at author's request.
Haiku # 176, March 1, 1997 4:54 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet of Elgin, USA
She was small, white, round
Like that perfumed piece of soap
In the urinal
Haiku # 175, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by David Carter
Cigarette butt caught in
urinal's screen, still,
here I drain the lizard
Haiku # 174, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet of hurtsville, USA
i pity you fool
Haiku # 173, March 1, 1997 1:51 pm ET
by MR.T of hurtsville, USA
Our Sweet Lord who conquers all
He loves you too, babe.
Haiku # 172, January 31, 1997 11:55 pm ET
by Mr. Ed's Bad Pete Sampras Haiku Ltd. of Montréal,
Dried salt on my windshield
oriental brush strokes
made by heavy road equipment
Haiku # 171, January 31, 1997 3:06 pm ET
by Ray of Grand Ledge,
Hawks hover, soar, pose above
stark winter tree,
no liquor sales till noon, Sunday
Haiku # 170, January 31, 1997 3:01 pm ET
by Ray of Grand Ledge,
Old people drive so
slowly that I want to hit
them upside the head
Haiku # 169, January 30, 1997 6:47 pm ET
by Saurav Sarkar of Great Neck, USA
darkness surrounds me
again the dumpster my friend
stupid mafia
Haiku # 168, January 24, 1997 4:58 pm ET
by David Carter of Minneapolis, USA
I love the women
The women love me so much
I have gone crazy.
(Sean done knew that!!!!)
Haiku # 167, January 21, 1997 2:56 pm ET
by Hawkeye of Hickville, USA
I am thinking now
I can't think of a good word
to end this haiku.
Haiku # 166, January 21, 1997 2:55 pm ET
by Samuel Clemens of Booville, USA
In the dark of night
I heard a scream of terror
From the girl next door
Haiku # 165, January 21, 1997 11:55 am ET
by Plant the fern of Our town, USA
The cool blue bobcat
Running swiftly the forest
Looking for some food
Haiku # 164, January 21, 1997 11:35 am ET
by Skayla the Wonder Girl of Our town, USA
Donny was sleeping
In His bedroom late last night
Because He was tired
Haiku # 163, January 21, 1997 10:11 am ET
by Donny of Our town, USA
The car would not start
So I kicked the dumb thing twice
I hurt my big toe
Haiku # 162, January 21, 1997 9:40 am ET
by Amy I just got 30 pts W. of This Town, America
I shot three free-throws
I made only one of three
And I was very mad
Haiku # 161, January 21, 1997 9:38 am ET
by Stuart "DA BOMB" of Our Town, America
Troy likes partying all night
Drinking is not for me
So let me party
Haiku # 160, January 21, 1997 9:29 am ET
by Troy Boy of Our Town, America
Oh no! Only just
begun, and already I've
run out of syllab-
Haiku # 159, January 20, 1997 5:52 pm ET
by Elita of Pottstown, USA
think about nothing
as empty as a reflex
sit and watch tv
Haiku # 158, January 19, 1997 2:57 pm ET
by Robin Len of TOPIX, Toronto
I had a little debbie
It was in my pocket
and that is all.
Haiku # 157, January 17, 1997 8:35 pm ET
by Angie Mayeux of warrensburg , usa
The stars shining bright.
Up in the sky up so high.
I love to watch stars..
Haiku # 156, January 17, 1997 3:09 pm ET
by MR. ED of Our town,
I like football games
They are very exciting
I play it a lot.
Haiku # 155, January 17, 1997 3:08 pm ET
by Tango of Our town,
Are stubborn and stupid
They are lazy, always pains
They are also jerks.
Haiku # 154, January 17, 1997 3:00 pm ET
by Samy of OurTown, USA
I will always care
About you Benny Cooper
Because I love you.
Haiku # 153, January 17, 1997 2:58 pm ET
by Jamie C. of OurTown, USA
HEAT The light gleamed on my
Dark shirt as sweat poured down my
eyes, that burned my face.
Haiku # 152, January 17, 1997 2:56 pm ET
by Little Man of OurTown, USA
I like basketball
Because I play it okay
We win lots of games.
Haiku # 151, January 17, 1997 2:52 pm ET
by T-Boon of OurTown, USA
So awesome it is
Getting out of school for snow
But there is no more.
Haiku # 150, January 17, 1997 2:50 pm ET
by Barney Anne of OurTown, USA
When I was a lad
I was bad for my grandma
Can't handle me.
Haiku # 149, January 17, 1997 2:49 pm ET
by Baby Cedric of OurTown, USA
Although it's lonely
You don't have to worry much
Because you'll get out.
Haiku # 148, January 17, 1997 2:45 pm ET
by Bryan K of Our Town, USA
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