Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 68 Days and 77467 Haiku later...

Big digital boat.
Androgynous teen idol.
Billions of dollars.
Haiku # 388, March 18, 1998 10:44 am ET
by Derek Robinson of Berkeley, USA
Monkeys are flying
Out of my butt. My big, round,
robust, rotund butt.
Haiku # 387, March 12, 1998 11:39 pm ET
by Sergei of NOW, NOW
This big, big, big room,
Has a bomb in it, somewhere.
GASP! *sweat sweat sweat sweat*
Haiku # 386, March 12, 1998 11:38 pm ET
by Sergei of NOW, NOW
Noose around neck! Whee!
Swim in razors and lemons!Whee!
Kill yourself! Wheee!
Haiku # 385, March 12, 1998 11:37 pm ET
by Sergei of NOW, NOW
You are all stupid
Only I write best haiku
Take long walk off pier
Haiku # 384, March 12, 1998 11:36 pm ET
by Sergei of NOW, NOW
Janis Janis
Janis Janis
Janis Janis
Were you Chandler's girl?
Haiku # 383, March 10, 1998 10:18 am ET
by Mr. Oz Adi of Tel-aviv, ISRAEL
Liza is funny
ahem! she's also green
no. it's not money
you better straiten your tail Mr.
Haiku # 382, March 10, 1998 10:14 am ET
by Mr. Oz Adi of Tel-aviv, ISRAEL
Hey there mister moth...
Don't like you, don'tlike your friends
Yup, I'minfested
Haiku # 381, March 10, 1998 12:37 am ET
by Tom Third of I think they live in my bed
Laying their moth eggs...
Make babies! Make more babies!!
Is their battle cry
Haiku # 380, March 10, 1998 12:31 am ET
by Tom Third of their motto is strength in numbers
Moths, congregating
More moths? More irritating
Die moths, I'm waiting
Haiku # 379, March 10, 1998 12:23 am ET
by Tom Third of there are moths on mycomputer screen
I finally moved
Andthe moths moved here with me
Kill! Die! Burn Moths Burn!!!!!
Haiku # 378, March 10, 1998 12:12 am ET
by Tom Third of mothville, Moths know no borders
my fingers are sore
been on the 'puter too long
my butt is sore too
Haiku # 377, March 4, 1998 11:38 pm ET
by Demon of Ri, US of A
Haiku, I miss you
Bad Haiku I miss much more
Janis nice web site too
Haiku # 376, March 3, 1998 5:54 pm ET
by Catharine Cameron of North York, Canada
HaNSoN REaLLy sUX da LiTTLE 1 iz A DOrK SuM 1 SHoULD KiLL em
Haiku # 375, March 1, 1998 8:34 pm ET
by AnGeLs1514
This page really sucks
And I want to sign off now
I've been on for days
Haiku # 374, February 27, 1998 4:33 pm ET
by GOdzilla of Lakewood, USA
stupid olympics
canada lost the gold
joe nieuwendyk missed
Haiku # 373, February 20, 1998 6:28 pm ET
by dave hodgins of Los Angeles, Canada
He offered his honor
She honored his offer
So for the rest of the night
It was on her off her
On her off her
Haiku # 372, February 18, 1998 8:40 pm ET
by Ben Dover of Smegma, USA
He offered his honor
She honored his offer
So for the rest of the night
It was on her off her
On her off her
Haiku # 371, February 18, 1998 8:39 pm ET
by Ben Dover of Smegma, USA
Haiku # 370, February 16, 1998 8:58 pm ET
School's really boring
I enjoy sleepingand girls
More than Algebra
Haiku # 369, February 12, 1998 1:10 pm ET
by Tiger Woods of south bend, U.S.A.
Here's an idea
Why not make another site
Just about nothing
Haiku # 368, February 1, 1998 1:04 am ET
by NO_One of Toronto, Canada
This is just to see
If Janis actually
Ever reads these things.
Haiku # 367, January 30, 1998 1:01 am ET
by Adam of Tranna, Canada
my colon is full
I wanna empty it but . . it stinks when i do
Haiku # 366, January 28, 1998 2:13 am ET
by SHINKuU 1
my colon is full
I wanna empty it but . . it stinks when i do
Haiku # 365, January 28, 1998 2:09 am ET
by SHINKuU 1
I'm anorexic,
makes my afro look bigger
my pants are falling.
Haiku # 364, January 28, 1998 2:04 am ET
by SHINKuU 1
I'M SLEEPYbed calls to me
leave me alone bed
you just want my time

I want to play games
Tekken 2 is in John's room
he's down stairs, wAKE UP!

but, why is he mad?
why is he yelling, stop punk.
Haiku # 363, January 28, 1998 1:57 am ET
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the land of milks and honeys
hell damn and bastard
can be spoken and no boobs
this here is PG
Haiku # 360, January 28, 1998 1:10 am ET
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the lnd of milks and honeys
sitting on a girl
stupid thing, sit on me, girl
this is not stupid
Haiku # 359, January 28, 1998 1:07 am ET
by ShINKuU 1 of DetrO, the lnd of milks and honeys
John is mean to me
I prefer when he's not.Why's
he gotta be like that?
Haiku # 358, January 28, 1998 12:42 am ET
by Lo-low
have to blow dry hair
frown on it drying stupid
stupid, stupid hair.
Haiku # 357, January 28, 1998 12:35 am ET
by Lo-low
head slammed into wall
Shinkuu will not let me smoke
value my lips though...
Haiku # 356, January 28, 1998 12:33 am ET
by Lo-low
my roommate should wash
brushes his teeth, but no toothpaste
showers twice a week
Haiku # 355, January 28, 1998 12:23 am ET
by Shinkuu 1
love is big pussy?
directions on pixie stick
garuntee some sweet
Haiku # 354, January 28, 1998 12:18 am ET
by Shinkuu 1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
Haiku # 353, January 22, 1998 10:28 pm ET
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
Haiku # 352, January 22, 1998 10:28 pm ET
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
Haiku # 351, January 22, 1998 10:27 pm ET
by Togran_1
Skiing On A Slope
Kennedy and S. Bono
"Watch Out Fot That Tree"
Haiku # 350, January 22, 1998 10:27 pm ET
by Togran_1
Please give me chicken
Please give me oil
Haiku # 349, January 19, 1998 2:06 pm ET
by Shiloh of Toronto, Canada
suck suck suck suck spit
suck suck suck suck suck suck spit
suck suck suck suck spit
Haiku # 348, January 9, 1998 12:09 pm ET
by butthead of Jamesown, us
Three strikes and you're out.
Just three?! But I want four strikes
Sorry, pal. No such luck.
Haiku # 347, January 8, 1998 6:46 am ET
by Sean of London, UK
Tell you what I want
What I really, really want
No more Spice Girls' stuff
Haiku # 346, January 8, 1998 6:42 am ET
by Sean of London, UK
IT's Rap Haiku, It iS,
Words wiTh fuNk thAt, sKip and juMp,
That's rAp haiKu, iT is
Haiku # 345, January 6, 1998 9:53 am ET
by Cousin Al of North Vancouver, Canada
8- stanza spamphlet
What is this strange word?
Etiology stings me
Haiku # 344, January 4, 1998 6:25 am ET
by Kerry Patton of Missoula, usa
the cat sprayed the couch...
and the dog needs neutering...
another fine day
Haiku # 343, December 25, 1997 3:47 am ET
by don of olympia, usa
haiku; an art form
short, concise, a complete thought
in seventeen syl...........
Haiku # 342, December 24, 1997 11:21 pm ET
by don of olympia, usa
Jesus spake "Let he
without sin cast the first stone.
Ow!!! Now stop that Mom !!!"
Haiku # 341, December 24, 1997 11:15 pm ET
by don of olympia, usa
in out in out in
out in out in out in out
in out in out done
Haiku # 340, December 24, 1997 11:12 pm ET
by don of olympia, usa
Pity the poor French
going nowhere since they cut
all the smart heads off
Haiku # 339, December 24, 1997 12:44 pm ET
by don of olympia, usa
"Wait! I changed my mind!
I don't want to die for you."
Thusly spake Jesus.
Haiku # 338, December 24, 1997 12:40 pm ET
by don of olympia, usa
Stucky the pig had
Happy fun life before shipped
To meat packing plant
Haiku # 337, December 21, 1997 3:18 am ET
by Serjei Rachnid of I, CORN
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