I'll identify
as the last living sane man.
*Laughs like a madman.*
by Queue Diary of a Madman of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pvydib00yXk
Since it's wrong to laugh
at most of the world these days,
the world has gone mad.
by Darth Whorendous
A truly mad man
Can never laugh at himself.
That's the litmus test.
by Laffy Taffy
Here we go and this
Is the Philip kindred
Dick world he dreamed up
by Mox
An awesome webpage.
Am I right, or what?
by You know it's true.
A fake world made by
A fake guy who is autistic
Seeming like person..
by Vhs
A fake world made by
A fake guy who is autistic
Seeming like person..
by Vhs
You seriously
think I'll murder anyone?
I just see "Meta"....
It's fucking awful.
Our future is in VR?!?!
Makes me want to puke.
by If this is the future, I want no part of it. of Give me a shack and garden by the ocean.
Vhs.... you're right.
I am a sociopath.
You can still like me.
Please don't stop posting.
I'll try to buffer my angst.
This world just... you know.
by I still think the PornHub nude poetry readings is a great idea. And, of course, a good reason to get in shape. LOL.
How fitting for this
Sharing on line shitting up
A good idea, bad
by Vhs
Maybe I'll die from
The chest pains I have me think
It's just pulled muscle
I take shit to heart.
Personal... I'm not
A sociopath
Like I think you are
Df... I wanted to like
You but maybe I'll
Just stop posting.
by Vhs
I had two guys ride
My ass in a pick up...they were
Trolling, I though they
Drove like they wanted
To hit me, now I don't see
What the game was but
You've ruined this site
For me, you I don't know what
To do with unhinged
Trolls or whatever
Even though we could argue
That's what I'm doing.
by Vhs
Dude, you're pissing me
Off, maybe I just need to ignore
The psychopath that
Posts here but fuck off
Fuck you, fuck your fantasies
Fuck your sociopathy
Fuck your unhinged threats
Against strangers, good friends live
There, get a life or
Get lost and fuck off
by You know who
I'll not stop writing
"DTZ" until he's dead.
Nuclear mishap?
by California's not too far from Los Alamos of DTZ!!
I feel like a slug.
Ate way too much damn turkey.
Got me all plugged up.
by Happy leftover day. of DTZ!
Here I sit, broken-
hearted, tried to write haiku,
but someone didn't replace the toilet paper.
by DTZ!
Time machine wanted.
I'll kill Zuckerberg's parents
before they conceive.
Maybe Bezos too.
They caused corona virus.
Therefore they should die.
by Yes!
If you send spam sites,
at least make sure its good porn.
Dolphins bang fat chick.
And I can't read it.
At least translate your damn ads.
Lazy pig commies.
by Right????
I can suggest you
Many website to visit
From dull Chinese bots.
by Sketchy Website Name of Out of Asia
You should not be here.
This website's not for children.
Leave or we'll spank you.
by Spare the rod, spoil the brat.
Watch my nude haiku.
PornHub poetry readings.
Includes flatulence.
by All proceeds go to murdering Mark Zuckerberg.
Dearest Santa Claus
What I would like for Christmas
Figbit haiku watch
by goal of 10,000 syllables per day
I farted so loud
it woke the people nextdoor;
the called the police.
The police said I
can kill Zuckerberg because
nobody likes him.
by Suffocation by methane?
Dearest Santa Claus,
What I would like for Christmas
is Zuckerberg dead.
While we are at it,
we can also bomb "Meta".
Take down their servers!
That would be the best
Christmas gift I ever got.
Doesn't matter how.
But if Zuckerberg
were eaten alive by pigs,
that would be awesome!
by Thanks Santa! of Merry Christmas!
Jesus blah blah blah.
Everyone hates Christmas songs.
Now the next topic.
Murdering the douche.
Yes, of course, Mark Zuckerberg.
Dark web sniper gear.
It needs to be done.
Free the world of his zombies.
Virtually dead.
by Tell me I'm wrong!
Why didn't Jesus
walk on a bunch of hot coals?
That would be something.
by BBQ of Sandals
I'll never forget
waking up Christmas morning
and finding him there
all covered with soot
I think he pissed himself, too.
Jesus in fireplace.
by Finder of singed sandal
It isn't murder.
Zuckerberg isn't human.
Zombie cyborg creep.
by Join DTZ party.
Zuckerberg should die.
Who needs your damn articles.
Poison, guns, and bombs.
by DTZ of Mark Zuckerberg lives at 1456 Edgewood Drive, Palo Alto, California 94301.
I can suggest to visit to you a site on which there are many articles on this question.
by MatthewPem of Ethiopia
Fusion energy
is not going to save us.
Neither will haiku.
Kill someone you hate.
Let your hatred free your soul.
And then go fishing.
by DTZ of As long as it's not virtual.
Pumpkin spice latte.
Pineapple on pizza's gay.
And then there's Facebook.
It cannot get worse.
And then *poof!* there's metaverse.
Zuckerberg's evil.
by DTZ
Inedible verse
in the metaverse is worse.
Rehearse in your hearse.
You know what you need?
Funeral limo handjob.
Brings you back to life.
by Death to Zuckerberg of DTZ
Gosh it's so BRILLIANT!
What you just wrote. Sheer brilliance...
So what's for dinner?
by Line of Lines of Hoboken
lisa! you are tearing
me apart! i did not hit
her...its bullshit,no...
i....did...NAWT, oh hi
mark, how is your sex life...um
where is the guy from?
by vhs of checking The Room
Inedible verse
dogs sniff and leave uneaten
They call it haiku
Indelible ink
shoots from an octopus dink
Ocean autograph
by Ink of Dink
Thanksgiving thunder!
Giblet fire from down under!
(Toilet gobbling sounds)
by LaTrina Fuller of Flushing, NY
Artemis was weird
Hated violence but she was
Fine with killing kids
by cursedmints
cars 2 is the best
mater kills bad car nazis
finn is really hot
by cursedmints
On the thirteenth day
of Christmas my true love died.
Darth wanted the corpse...
by Not Sure For What of Said It Was "An Experiment"
In the Philippines
Christmas season lasts five months.
I haven't gone postal.
by Xmas stockings full of dried fish and balot.
God I hate Christmas.
The man who invented it
should be crucified.
by Right?
Oh shit. Christmas songs.
Words cannot express how I
Soooo hate Christmas songs!
by dw
Change "Black Friday" to
"African American
post Thanksgiving Day".
by Anonymous Poet
We are just cattle.
In one hole, out the other.
Consume, rinse, repeat.
by Grumpy Old Figpucker
Will the Turdmaster
then ask to add corn to your
Door Dash shopping cart?
by Next it will chew the food for you.
all right all right i
knew you were into leather
but this is too much
by vhs of king james would ratio you
i think i will just
cum on the Bible and quit
reading books on line
by me so funny of me tell joke #1
my new invention
Turdmaster Talking Toilet
"I see you ate corn!"
by Bathrooms of the Future
You people need help.
Can't you just tell some fart jokes?
Here, pull my finger.
by Darth Whorendous